March 16, 2011

Stereotypes Of A Girl

Have you ever been in gym class, playing basketball with boys when suddenly, they pass the ball to boys. Then boys score. Then, boys win. Why is that? Stereotypes.

Girls are supposed to be weak, sweet, smart, always happy, always do the cooking for their families and never want to get messy or dirty. This stereotype about girls has been around since the beggining of the time and I'd like to be one of the first to say that this sterotype puts loads of pressure on girls, especially the girls that are the exeption to this stereotype. In my opinon, being a girl means that your suppose to have good manners and never want to get messy and always look your prettiest. But the truth of the matter is, some girls aren't. Some girls pick their clothes by the comfort level (geez!, imagine that!) and some even like to play sports...with guys!

In seventh grade all girls are pressured by each other. Girls are pressured to be skinny, to diet and even to do things like bully people to be funny and fit in. Girls might not verbally tell you what your suppose to be like and look like as a seventh grade girl, but if your not a stereotype you might as well be called an outsider. It definetly takes some guts to be the exeption to the rule. Because girls that are the exeption make their own choices, and wear what makes them happy, and do what they like to do. Not what people expect of them to do.

Girls all over the world have high expectation set for them. Wheather it's from parents, teachers or even other classmates. Just because your a girl your expected to be this and that. But what men really have to get through their thick skulls is that women are all different. Physically and mentally. Some are artistic some are amazing singers some are amazing athletes and some are simply unique. We are all different human beings, that should not be stereotyped for something that only applies for only a small percent of the women population. To all the men in the world, the next time your playing basketball with some girls, pass her the ball, give her a chance because actions speak louder then sterotypes.

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