March 25, 2011

36 Of The Funniest Words In The English Language

Hey Readers,!
My sister and I were hanging out yesterday, watching some TV when the M&M commercial comes on. You know, the one where the he says" you are what you eat" then the other guys says" Imagine that, you are what you eat--- what a bunch of malarkey.( To see the video click here ) That got us thinking, what are some of the funniest words in the English Language?

1.Argle-bargle - A loud row or quarrel
2.Allegator - Some who alleges
3.Bouffant-A puffed-out woman’s hair do, popular in the 1950’s.
4. Booger- Yellow and or green substance
5.Canoodle - To hug and kiss
6.Crapulence - Discomfort from eating or drinking too much
7.Collop - A slice of meat or fold of flab
8.Discombobulate - To confuse
9.Donnybrook - An melee, a riot
10.Eructation - A burp, belch
11.Fart- Human made gas
12.Gardyloo! - A warning shouted before throwing water from above
13.Gonzo - Far-out journalism
14.Hoosegow - A jail or prison
15.Hootenanny - A country or folk music get-together
16.Jackanapes - A rapscallion, hooligan
17.Klutz - An awkward, stupid person
18. Knickerbockers- Who knows ?
19. Lollygag-To move slowly, fall behind
20.Lickety-split - As fast as possible

21.Malarkey - Nonsense, balderdash
22.Mugwump - An independent politician who does not follow any party
23.Nincompoop - A foolish person
24.Oocephalus - An egghead
25.Pandiculation - A full body stretch
26.Quean - A disreputable woman
27.Rambunctious - Aggressive, hard to control
28. Rainvorus - Frog-eating
29.Shenanigan - A prank, mischief
30.Slangwhanger - A loud abusive speaker or obnoxious writer
31.Snool - A servile person

32.Tatterdemalion - A child in rags
33.Unremacadamized - Having not been repaved with macadam
34.Vomitory - An exit or outlet

35.Wabbit - Exhausted, tired, worn out
36.Yahoo - A rube, a country bumpkin
Have fun using these on your friends because believe me these always come in handy!

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